Terms and Conditions

LastUpdated: February 20, 2025

As used in these Terms & Conditions, "SquareFi" means SquareFi Inc. andits in-application and web experiences. SquareFi is a technology company thatdevelops and provides financial technology solutions, including APIs, embeddedfinance platforms, and white-label services. These Terms and Conditions are inaddition to any other agreements between you and SquareFi, including anyimplementation agreements, API documentation, service level agreements, and anyother agreements that govern your use of our technology solutions, APIs,software, products, services, content, tools, and information.

SECTION 01: Service and Product Definitions

The SquareFi platform providestechnology solutions in the following categories:
●    BusinessTools Infrastructure
●    EmbeddedFinance Solutions
●    WhiteLabel Solutions Each solution includes:
●    APIdocumentation and technical specifications
●    Integrationtools and SDKs
●    Testingenvironments
●    Securityprotocols
●    Complianceframeworks
●    Monitoringand reporting tools 

Certain Content is furnished bythird parties (each, a "Third-Party Provider" and collectively, the"Third-Party Providers"). Such Content ("Third PartyContent") includes, without limitation, any information, content, serviceor software made available through social media websites, blogs, wikis, onlineconferences, telecasts, podcasts, and other forums (collectively, the"Forums").

SECTION 02: Implementation Requirements by Product Category

2.1Business Tools Implementation
Clients implementing Business Toolsmust:
●    Maintainsecure integration with banking partners
●    FollowKYC/KYB implementation guidelines
●    Implementrequired security protocols for virtual accounts
●    Ensureproper crypto transaction handling
●    Maintaintransaction monitoring systems 

2.2Embedded Finance Implementation
For Embedded Finance solutions:
●    FollowPCI DSS requirements for card processing
●    Implementproper API authentication
●    Maintainsecure key management
●    Followbanking integration protocols
●    Implementrequired fraud prevention measures 

2.3White Label Implementation
White Label solution users must:
●    Followbranding guidelines
●    Implementall required security measures
●    Maintainproper user authentication
●    Followdata protection requirements
●    Implementnecessary compliance controls 

2.4Technical Standards Across All Products
All implementations require:
●    SSL/TLSencryption
●    SecureAPI key management
●    Regularsecurity audits
●    Compliancewith data protection lawsImplementation of monitoring tools

SECTION 03: Disclaimerand Limitations of Liability

3.1. The Content and the Service areprovided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Digitalassets and cryptocurrency services are not FDIC or SIPC insured and may involvemarket risks.
3.2. To the fullest extent permittedunder applicable law, SquareFi and the Third-Party Providers expressly disclaimall warranties of any kind with respect to the Content and the Service, whetherexpress or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. 
3.3. Neither SquareFi norThird-Party Providers guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness orusefulness of any Content. You agree to use the Content and the Service only atyour own risk. The Content is not intended to provide financial, legal, tax orinvestment advice or recommendations.

SECTION 04: Self-Directed Services and Risk Disclosure

SquareFiprovides self-directed financial services and, unless clearly identified inwriting to you as an individualized recommendation, SquareFi does not makerecommendations or offer investment advice of any kind. As a self-directeduser, you are solely responsible for evaluating the merits and risks associatedwith the use of any Content, products, or services provided through theService. 

4.1Cryptocurrency Risk Disclosure
Cryptocurrency services involvesignificant risks:
●    Cryptocurrencyvalues can be highly volatile
●    Cryptocurrencytransactions are irreversible
●    Lossof access credentials may result in permanent loss of assets
●    Regulatorychanges may impact service availability
●    Digitalassets are not FDIC insured 

4.2Cross-Border Payment Services
For international payment services:
●    Exchangerates are determined at the time of transaction
●    Additionalfees may apply for specific corridors
●    Compliancewith local regulations may affect processing times
●    Someservices may be restricted in certain jurisdictions 

4.3Corporate Card Services
Corporate card services are subjectto:
●    Creditapproval and verification procedures
●    Individualtransaction and monthly limits
●    Automaticblocking for suspicious activities
●    Partnerbank terms and conditions

SECTION 05: GeographicRestrictions and Compliance 

5.1Service Availability
The Contentand the Service availability may vary by jurisdiction. SquareFi maintains theright to restrict or modify service availability based on regulatoryrequirements or risk assessment. 

5.2Compliance Requirements
●    Complywith all applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction
●    Provideaccurate and up-to-date KYC/KYB information
●    Maintainappropriate licenses if required by their business type
●    Reportsuspicious activities and unauthorized access
●    Adhereto anti-money laundering (AML) policies 

5.3Prohibited Activities
●    Illegalactivities of any kind
●    Unauthorizedmoney transmission
●    Sanctionsevasion
●    Activitiesrestricted by partner banks
●    Prohibitedbusiness types as defined in our Acceptable Use Policy 

5.4International Services
●    Localregulations may affect feature availability
●    Additionalverification may be required
●    Servicelimitations may apply based on user location
●    Compliancewith international sanctions programs is mandatory

SECTION 06: Content and IntellectualProperty

6.1Technical Documentation and Content
    SquareFi maintains comprehensive technical documentationsupporting its platform infrastructure and services. This includes detailed APIspecifications, implementation guides, reference materials, and other technicaldocumentation necessary for platform integration and operation. All suchmaterials are protected by intellectual property rights and representSquareFi's significant investment in platform development. Clients receiveaccess to these materials solely for the purpose of implementing andmaintaining their integration with SquareFi's platform. The documentation maybe updated periodically to reflect platform enhancements and modifications,with all versions remaining under SquareFi's intellectual property protection.

6.2 Ownership Rights
The ownership and intellectual property rightswithin the SquareFi ecosystem are clearly defined to protect all parties'interests. SquareFi retains exclusive ownership and all intellectual propertyrights to its core platform technology, including the underlying architecture,algorithms, and proprietary systems. This encompasses all API designs, systemarchitecture, and technological innovations developed by SquareFi. Whileclients maintain full ownership rights to their specific implementations andcustomizations built upon our platform, the fundamental technology andarchitecture remain SquareFi's intellectual property. The ownership ofintegration code and custom developments is governed by specific terms outlinedin individual client agreements, ensuring clear delineation of property rightsbetween SquareFi and its clients.

SECTION 07: ServiceModifications and Updates

7.1Platform Updates
    SquareFi continuously develops and enhances its platform to provideclients with the most advanced and secure financial technology solutions. Ourdevelopment process includes regular API versioning and updates to ensurecompatibility and introduce new capabilities while maintaining support forexisting integrations. We systematically implement security enhancements toprotect against emerging threats and maintain compliance with evolving industrystandards. The platform undergoes regular feature updates, which may includeboth the addition of new functionalities and the removal of deprecated featuresto maintain optimal performance. Our engineering team consistently works onperformance improvements to enhance system efficiency, reduce latency, andoptimize resource utilization across all platform components.

7.2Notification Requirements
    SquareFi maintains a structurednotification system to ensure clients have adequate time to adapt to platformchanges. For major platform modifications that may affect clientimplementations, we provide a minimum of 90 days advance notice, allowingsufficient time for necessary adjustments and testing. Security updates, due totheir critical nature, may require immediate implementation to protect platformintegrity and client assets. In such cases, we work closely with clients to ensuresmooth deployment while minimizing any potential service disruptions. Allnotifications include detailed documentation, implementation guidelines, andaccess to technical support to facilitate seamless transitions.
●    APIdeprecation: 180 days notice
●    Featureupdates: 30 days notice
●    APIdeprecation: 180 days notice
●    Featureupdates: 30 days notice

SECTION 08:Communications and Support

8.1Technical Support
    SquareFi provides comprehensive technical support throughoutall stages of platform implementation and operation. Our support team assistsclients with initial implementation processes, offering detailed guidance andbest practices for platform integration. We maintain extensive APIdocumentation and provide expert assistance in understanding and utilizing ourtechnical specifications. Our dedicated support specialists help troubleshootintegration challenges and resolve technical issues that may arise duringimplementation or ongoing operations. In the event of security incidents, ourresponse team is available to provide immediate assistance and guidance forincident resolution.

8.2 Service Notification
To ensure transparent and effective communication, SquareFimaintains a comprehensive notification system for all platform-related updatesand changes. We provide real-time platform status updates to keep clientsinformed about system performance and availability. Our security team issuestimely alerts regarding any potential security concerns or required actions.Clients receive advance notifications about scheduled maintenance activities tominimize operational disruptions. Additionally, we provide detailedannouncements about platform version updates, including new features,improvements, and any required actions from our clients.